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The Essential Web Developer Course (Free)
Welcome to the Course! (2:18)
Important! Read Me!
Tips for Acing This Course (1:57)
How Computers Work (4:04)
How the Internet Works (5:40)
1. Sublime Text & Other Tools (3:45)
2. First HTML Page (3:56)
3. The HTML Page Structure (4:07)
4. Text (11:24)
5. Lists (5:45)
6. Images (8:57)
7. Tables (10:25)
8. Forms (13:02)
9. Links (6:28)
10. Divs and Spans (12:08)
11. Comments (2:32)
1. Linking to a CSS File (7:37)
2. Selecting HTML (4:30)
3. Color Values (5:28)
4. CSS Gradients (3:48)
5. Text and Fonts (7:28)
6. Listomania (2:54)
7. Comments (1:48)
8. Rounded Corners & Shadows (4:16)
9. Box Model - Margin & Padding (8:35)
10. Display Options (8:13)
11. Inspector Gadget (7:04)
12. CSS is Classy (7:41)
13. Selectors Revisited (8:56)
Deep Dive: Build a Blogging Platform
1a. Setting Up with Cloud9 IDE (4:17)
1b. Setup Your Free Cloud9 Account
1b. New Cloud9 Signup Process
1c. Create a Rails App
2. Turn Cloud9 Into a Server (7:15)
3. Creating Blog Posts (6:17)
4. Homepage and Bootstrap (10:51)
5. Better Buttons and Forms (5:33)
6. Displaying the Date (4:48)
1. Scripting Languages (12:17)
2. Ruby Files & IRB (5:41)
3. Numbers & Strings (8:18)
4. Variables & Interpolation (7:05)
5. Booleans (8:18)
6. If Statements (8:34)
7. Arrays (8:30)
8. Hashes (4:22)
9. Iterators (11:54)
10. Methods (13:15)
11. Classes (11:13)
12. Inheritance (11:31)
Build A Real Startup (SaaS Project App)
1. Important - Read First!
2. Tips for Acing This Course (1:57)
3. Get Your Free Github Account (2:44)
4a. Cloud9 IDE (4:52)
4b. Setup Your Free Cloud9 Account
5. Setup Your Cloud9 Workstation (7:47)
6. Changing Directories and Starting with a Clean Slate in Cloud9 (11:58)
7. Install Ruby and Rails with RVM (10:07)
8. Explanation of RVM Ruby and Rails Installation (8:10)
9. Initialize Git to Track Changes (3:37)
10. Explanation of Git (4:07)
11. SSH Keys Will Link Cloud9 to GitHub (5:10)
12. Explanation of SSH and Github (2:39)
13. The Rails Server Command (7:25)
14. Gemfile Changes (7:12)
15. Explanation of Gemfile Changes (8:48)
16. Creating a Home Page (8:25)
17. Explanation of Home Page (4:06)
18. Adding Custom Google Fonts (5:03)
19. Explanation of Google Fonts (3:15)
20. Adding an About Page (5:23)
21. Explanation of About Page (3:34)
22. Twitter Bootstrap Makes Our Site Look Good (8:24)
23. Explanation of Bootstrap (7:50)
24. Bootstrap Navbar (6:59)
25. Background Gradient (7:07)
26. Explanation of Background Gradient (2:14)
27. Improving the Home Layout (9:17)
28. Explanation of Home Layout (4:07)
29. Navbar Text Color (8:26)
30. Explanation of Navbar Color (3:21)
31. Refactor CSS with SCSS (5:09)
32. Explanation of SCSS Refactor (2:02)
33. Font Awesome for Icons (6:12)
34. Explanation of Font Awesome (2:42)
35. Links in Rails (5:27)
36. Explanation of Links in Rails (3:46)
37. Route Prefixes (6:58)
38. Explanation of Route Prefixes (6:22)
39. An Updated About Page (5:31)
40. Explanation of About Page (1:29)
41. Bootstrap Javascript (10:34)
42. The Asset Pipeline (7:48)
Git Workflow Tips (If You Get Stuck)
Forms, Databases and Sending Emails
43. Forms are Everywhere (1:58)
44. Contact Form Page (10:45)
45. Explanation of Contact Form Page (2:40)
46. Contact Form Fields (6:54)
47. Explanation of Contact Form Fields (2:17)
48. Bootstrap the Form (7:37)
49. Explanation of Bootstrap for Forms (3:18)
50. Nav Link for Contact Form Page (5:16)
51. Explanation of Form Nav Link (5:53)
52. Contacts Table (6:46)
53. Explanation of Contacts Table and Migration (6:43)
54. Contact Model File (3:52)
55. Explanation of Model Files (8:55)
56. Contact Create Action for Saving to the Database (9:36)
57. Explanation of Create Action (12:02)
58. Hirb Gem Cleans Up our Database Presentation (3:28)
59. Objects in the Rails Console (11:24)
60. Form Validations (5:49)
61. Explanation of Validations (1:50)
62. The Flash and Errors (7:34)
63. Explanation of The Flash (4:51)
64. Flash Message Style Improvements (10:20)
65. Explanation of Flash Improvements (21:18)
66. Custom URLs (3:40)
67. Explanation of Custom URLs (8:29)
68. HTTP, REST, and Rails (14:11)
69. Cleaning Up the Routes (16:05)
70. Contact Mailer File (6:58)
71. Explanation of The Mailer Class (11:45)
72. The Mailer View (4:57)
73. Explanation of Mailer View (7:55)
74. Controller Triggers the Mailer (5:54)
75. Explanation of Mailer and Params (23:52)
76. Heroku for Production Servers (13:12)
77. First Deploy to the Servers (8:10)
78. Sending Email with Mailgun (13:53)
79. An Important Breakdown of How our Form Works Part I (8:36)
80. An Important Breakdown of How our Form Works Part II (12:36)
81. Code Comments for Contact Form (6:47)
User Memberships and Accepting Subscription Payments
82. Devise Gem Setup (11:26)
83. Explanation of Devise Installation (9:03)
84. Add Bootstrap to Sign Up Form (11:00)
85. Add Bootstrap to Login Form (4:47)
86. Explanation of Devise Forms (4:24)
87. Nav Links for Devise (4:53)
88. Link Helpers (10:06)
89. Explanation of Link Helpers (3:19)
90. Conditional Logout Button (8:08)
91. Hiding with CSS (6:31)
92. Database Table for Membership Plans (8:57)
93. Explanation of Plans Table, Seeds, Classes, and Objects (18:03)
94. Associating Users and Plans (6:51)
95. Explanation of Associations and Relational Databases (9:36)
96. Pseudocode (4:26)
97. Sign Up Buttons for Membership Plans (11:48)
98. Sending Paramaters for Plans (26:05)
99. Explanation of Active Record and Query String Parameters (22:50)
100. Accessing Parameters (5:43)
101. Explanation of Accessing Parameters (8:38)
102. Sign Up Form Partials and Credit Card Fields (14:41)
103. Explanation of Partials and Card Fields (6:34)
104. Stripe Account and Gem (5:26)
105. Figaro Gem and API Keys (7:41)
106. Explanation of Figaro (5:53)
107. Stripe Requirements (16:29)
108. Preparing for Stripe - Add a Customer Token Column to Users Table (3:35)
109. Preparing for Stripe - Saving Plan ID with User Sign Ups (7:55)
110. Preparing for Stripe - Modifying HTML for Javascript (9:32)
111. Sending Card Fields to Stripe (25:23)
112. Javascript for the Stripe Response (29:08)
113. Creating Subscriptions with Stripe (31:26)
114. Code Comments for Stripe (5:16)
115. Updating Flash Message Styles (11:32)
116. Subtle User Interface Update (5:08)
117. Deploy an Update to Heroku (7:47)
118. Stripe Review (optional) (49:01)
User Profiles and Relational Databases
119. User Profiles Database Table (5:47)
120. User and Profile Association (4:12)
121. Explanation of User Profile Associations (4:58)
122. User Profile Nested Routes (6:57)
123. Explanation of Nested Routes (14:35)
124. Profiles Controller and Dynamic Routes (18:51)
125. Dynamic Routes Explained (24:51)
126. Form for New User Profiles (11:55)
127. Explanation of New Profile Form (7:44)
128. Profiles Create Action (11:01)
129. Explanation of Profiles Create Action (14:11)
130. Users Show Action Will Be Our Profile Page (10:55)
131. Explanation of Users Show (9:25)
132. Bare Bones User Profile Page (13:12)
133. Explanation of User Profile Page (6:30)
134. Paperclip Gem for Image Uploads (4:16)
135. Adding Images to Profiles Table (3:03)
136. Image Upload (8:36)
137. Styling the User Profile (16:12)
138. Conditional View Elements with Helpers (13:06)
139. Home Improvement (15:20)
140. Form for Editing User Profiles (13:36)
141. Profile Update Action (11:33)
142. Securing The User Pages (9:53)
143. Users Index Page (5:53)
144. Community Page Details and Styles (28:38)
145. More Nav Links and Pro Labels (12:20)
146. Copy Improvements (3:31)
147. Final Deploy (5:12)
More Content Coming Soon!
You're not done yet! Stay tuned for more lessons!
100. Accessing Parameters
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